The Recruiting Process

It is not an event!

Recruiting is relationship building.  It doesn't happen in one day (event).  It takes time to get to know as much as you can about each school, the coaching staff, your potential teammates, the majors they have to offer, what kinds of test scores and grade point averages that school looks for, their facilities, campus life and the surrounding area.


So, the earlier you can begin the recruiting process, the better opportunity you have to build those relationships and find the PERFECT FIT for your college years.


You begin by getting the most exposure as you possibly can.  We will show you how to market yourself to colleges close to home and in all 50 states.  You must cast a wide net in order to determine which schools fit you best.  You also need to understand that some of the schools that begin recruiting you will fall by the wayside, either because you are not the right fit for their program or their program is not the right fit for you.  Therefore, you need a high number of schools interested in you so that, in the end, you have multiple schools from which to choose.


Once you start receiving correspondence from college coaches and admissions offices, you must be adept at communicating with them effectively.  You must know what to questions to ask and how to answer theirs.  You must also be engaging and smooth, so that the impression youy make on that coach or administrator is a great one.  We take great pride in teaching student-athletes and their families how to be excellent communicators and how to glean the information they need from the coaches and administrators.


You'll take college visits.  What should you expect?  What are the warning signs to look for?  What are the things you should do and not do?  We have seen it all and heard it all.  We'll teach you how to make your visits productive and how you can present yourself effectively.


Financial offers will come your way from the colleges & universities.  Can you negotiate with the schools?  If so, how do you negotiate scholarships?  We are the experts and we will give you the tools to get the highest offer possible.


Our job at PERFECT FIT is to make sure when you walk in the door the first day of college classes, you know, with 100% confidence, that you looked at every possible option and that school is the PERFECT FIT for you.

Where to Find Us

Perfect Fit Athletic Recruiting
Phone: 937.307.0929


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